
Showing posts from July, 2020


ADDING TEXT BOX  We can add multiple text box in a html page and we can enter and store the required text  adding a text box is very simple and its very simple to implement. THERE ARE FEW TERMINOLOGY AND SYNTAX REQUIRED TO BE FOLLOWED LABEL TAG we have to add label for the text box. In label we have to specify for.  after for we have to write the label. and the close the label tag. INPUT TAG  first open the tag and use input  specify the type  use the placeholder and place the holder specify the size of the box and text EXAMPLE                                              CODE  OUTPUT


TABLE IN HTML. We can create a Table in html and can list many items in a systematic way which looks good and neat whenever some one visits your page. there are few important tags in creation of a table. let us analyse them <table border="1"> through this tag we can set the border thickness,style and all... <tr> this specifies table row. </tr> closing table row. <th> table head it specifies the top heading of an item list. </th> closes the table head. lets see an example CODE OUTPUT


STYLES html provides us many ways to improve and glorify the structure, look and design of the page  some of such features are as follows   BOLD. UNDERLINE. ITALICS. STRIKE THROUGH. SUBSCRIPT. SUPERSCRIPT. SYMBOLS. AND MANY MORE....... LETS START WITH BOLD. 1.  W ith the help of bold we can make the letters more visible and clear to see and also we can                 highlight the specific letters , words and sentences. 2.  It is very simple to use this feature, just there is only one tag to use. 3.  So use <b> bold tag in an area where you want to apply this effect and then close the bold tag        </b>. its that simple. Lest see an example and understand this............ CODE OUTPUT As you can see the highlighted part has bold effect. NOW LETS CHECK UNDERLINE. 1, Now underline. underline is as similar as bold. 2. underline is used when we have to highlight and make it more visi...


INTRODUCTION TO HTML HTML is a type of language that structures content; in other words, it labels different elements such as images and text in order to tell your browser how to display the content and in what order. Every HTML element has  HTML tags , and a tag (<h1> or </h1>) is surrounded by angled brackets like < and >. Tags define elements and tell the browser how to display them (for example, they can tell the browser whether an element is an image or a paragraph of text). Most HTML elements have an  opening tag  and a  closing tag  that show where the element begins and ends. The closing tag is just the opening tag with a forward slash (/) before the element name. We can generalize the format of an HTML element Here, content is something we add. It can be anything, like “Hello world” in our h1 example; ‘element name’, however, has to be one of the predefined tags like h1, h3, p or strong.  


ADD AN IMAGE TO HTML In html we can add as many as images we want it is pretty simple to add image to a html page there are few easy important steps that we must follow syntax of adding an image  At first we must know about image tag , image tag is the tag through which we can insert an image image tag consists of few parameters those are img src, width, height and etc. img src=  means "image source" the source from where an image has to be loaded . width = it specifies the width of an image.  height = as its name it specifies the height of an image. EXAMPLES          CODE OUTPUT There is one important note image should be saved in the folder where all the html text files are stored and as much as we can use the images there is no any kind of restrictions.

Adding ordered and unordered list to HTML.

ADDING ORDERED AND UNORDERED LIST. In html we can add and list the items in very well mannered order  there are two types of lists , those are  1) ordered list . 2) unordered list. : ORDERED LIST ordered list is the collection of many items in a systematic manner and neatly represented in the given order by the user ordered list is very easy to execute and to implement it............................ <ol> this is the syntax of ordered list  # first we must open the tag <ol> # In the tag we can specify the type of listings like numbers,alphabets,roman numbers and many more etc. ie <ol type="1"> this tag specifies the list type is numerical. # next after the ordered list tag we have to specify the list items  ie <li> item name </ li>. # at the end we can end/close  the ordered list tag . ie </ol> EXAMPLE:                                ...


Html is a tag based language . html consists of many tags some of the tags are as follows <html> the main html tag </html> closing the tag. <title> adds the title to your page </title> . <head> head of the page </head> . <body> in this tag we have to write the body of the web page and at last close the body tag </body>. There are 6 heading tags in html which are very much important to glorify the texting style of the web page .. those are .. <h1> and closing of <h1> . <h2> and closing of <h2> . <h3> and closing of <h3> . <h4> and closing of <h4> . <h5> and closing of <h5> . <h6 > and closing of < h6> .                         EXAMPLE CODE                         OUTPUT. If we have to add any paragraph to the existing html code we can use parag...